Thursday, May 13, 2010

Moms doughnuts--yum yum!

Today being such a cool day a memory came to mind of the COLD days of winter and the long walk that we had to make from where the school bus let us out to our home.
I say long walk and it certainly seemed it to us but I doubt that it was all that far---doesn't matter anyway because when the cold north wind is hitting you in the face and biting into your skin a half of a mile may as well be 2 miles. We would keep our heads down to try and shelter our face from the sting of the cold wind but you had to look up every now and then to stay on the road. It would have been great if there had been face mask like they have today.... but we were tough little critters!
What I was remembering was the many, many times that we would get to the house feeling frozen to the bone and upon opening the front door to be greeted with the sweet aroma of hot doughnuts with a cooked syrup glaze that smelled more like a candy store than glaze..Mom would come to the living room and help us out of our coats and most of the time hugging us or gave us a pat on the back. Amazing how such a small thing can warm you up so fast--guess feeling loved and cared for does that, huh?
She would put the platter of hot doughnuts on the table and had hot chocolate if we wanted that. It was good to be home..
I have carried on her tradition- on those cold blustery days of winter, if I know my grandson is coming over there will be hot doughnuts on his Memes table.

1 comment:

  1. OK-Meme, where is the recipe for these yummy doughnuts?? I want to make them!
