Monday, April 26, 2010

Moms Make-Over

Mickey and Cheryl made Mom and Dad VERY happy when they blessed them with their first granddaughters--Kelley first and in a few years Kerrie. They were so in love with these little gals and the girls returned that love to them. When I was thinking about posting this another memory came to my mind,so I will tell it first---or I may forget it!! Yep, the ole mind is slowly slipping away, dear ones..
What came to mind was Daddy laughing one time and telling how the girls had Mickey wrapped around their finger--he added that he didn't think that Mickey had ever spank either one of them. Dad was at their house one day and one of the girls did something and Mick told them not to be doing that again---OF COURSE they did it again. Mickey tells them "I told you not to do that' when Cheryl gets home I'm telling her to give you a spanking"...Tickled Daddy to pass on the story. I never asked Cheryl
if she gave the delayed spanking or not---how 'bout it Cheryl?????
Now, for the story.....Mom wasn't only a great Mom but was the best grandmother a child could hope for. She was "Ma"to all of her grandchildren. Bev and Cecil gave them their first grandchild--J Loyd and he called them Pa and Ma so that was their name from then on.
Mom would let Kelley and Karrie play with her make-up and they would put the powder, lipstick, rouge and LOTS of necklaces on her. The hair styles they gave her were really something--mostly standing straight up. Well, one day Ma had Kerrie with her while Kelley was at school --after lunch Mom always lay down to rest--Kerrie went to work on her, powder started flying and Moms face was being transformed. She had her face painted up and I am sure the hairstyle was to die for--Mom glanced at the clock and jumps up telling Kerrie it was time to pick Kelley up from school. No time to fix her hair or wash her face- she just takes off. You gotta remember what a friendly lady she was, she waved and talked to anyone that was near her. She said one time "Why it never bothered me at all for people to see the good job that Kerrie did "fixin me up." If either of those gals did it, it was perfect in Mom's sight and as Paul Harvey would say "the rest of the story" is that never changed--they pampered Ma and visited her often...Mom loved and adored them....

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I remember several times Mickey would call me at work and say, "Cheryl, I can't make these kids mind me a LICK, you need to spank them when you get home!" I would tell him to spank them his self when they would not mind him, he would say,"You know I can't spank my girls!" He did love his girls and they loved and still love him! I remember JD laughing A LOT when he was around Mickey and my girls....loved to hear it! Love you too Jim!!!!! :)
